with Express Office Portico and Something Orange
Reviewed by Trevor Locke
The evening began with a performance by Express Office Portico, a five-piece synth band with members hailing from Leicester and Loughborough, although officially from Nottingham. On stage, I saw two vocalists, the female lead singer and some backing vocals from the synth player.
They gave an entertaining set.

Something Orange was the following act. Atmospheric songs drenched the fans with superb sounds. From Leicester, well-known musicians were on stage – Tim Baker, who used to be the lead vocalist of Timmas and Tom Carnell (also of Timmas, he being their drummer.)

Siobhan Mazzei. Much could be said about this artist, one of Leicester’s top singers. In my view, she is one of Leicester’s greatest vocal artists ever to have been produced by our local music scene. Apart from being a singer, Siobhan is also a songwriter. In her career, she had has an amazing history as a solo artist but she has also been a band leader.
Tonight she was on stage with her band, four musicians including the well-known singer and songwriter Joe Doyle. As she walked onto the stage, a huge roar greeted the appearance of Siobhan; something one sees only with the top stars. Few local artists draw this kind of adoration from fans.
Siobhan’s superb voice filled the room; her range and ability to evoke mood, feeling and colour is astonishing.

The room had a very lively atmosphere; clearly those in front of the stage were very excited by what they were seeing and hearing. We talked about the run-up to a live show and Siobhan agreed with me that there is so much more to putting on a show than the audience sees taking place on the stage.
It was a scintillating set; one that many of us will cherish for a long time to come.
Earlier this evening, I chatted to her and Siobhan told me she had been singing since she was about 13. As I said to her, that night, I can remember her giving some performances that were, frankly, jaw-dropping. Siobhan and her band gave an exhilarating set of songs.
Live performances from tonight’s gig:
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