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Glastonbudget 2019 review Friday.
Glastonbudget 2019 review Saturday.
Reviewed by Trevor Locke
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Ciderfects opened the Big Top stage at 12:00
Ciderfects Photo: Kevin Gaughan
They were followed by Skafinger, a ska band from Birmingham. As the band says on its Facebook page – Skafinger bring you the best of ska music from the early Jamaican scene of the 60s, to English 2 -Tone of the late 70s, right up to Ska in the 80s.
Skafinger Photo: Kevin Gaughan
Maia Eavan treated her audience to her voice and songs. From Ilkeston, Maia sings rock, folk and alternative.
Maia Eavan Photo: Kevin Gaughan
Ska Amanga played at 13:15. The Big Top was brought alive by the infectious sounds of Ska. Irresistible beats.
Ska-Amanga Photo: Kevin Gaughan
The first band I went to see was Skam. This band from Leicester has hardly ever missed a Glastonbudget date. They played in the Big Top. Their performance was superlative. When it comes to the art of classic rock, Skam set the bar. They are the bar. As a band, they boast the best of everything. The best rock vocalist and guitarist in the business (Steve Hill), The best bassist (Matthew Gilmore) and the best drummer (Neal Hill).
This is the one band that ticks all the boxes for classic rock music of today. By the time Skam finished their set, the whole of the huge Big Top was packed. When it comes to music excellence, stage presence and sheer enjoyment of rock professionalism, you would find it hard to name another band as good as this. I stood through the whole of Skam’s set. For me, that was remarkable. At my age.
Skam Photo: Kevin Gaughan
Another act that I never fail to miss, when at a Glastonbudget day, is the music artist, rapper and singer, Jonezy. He is another act who has been gracing the stages of the festival for many years, Back again this year with his set of positive songs that are all his own work. The crowd loved it; including some who had not seen him before. Jonezy sang many of his old favourites, alongside his new tracks and even one that had not yet been released.
He gave us his customary razor-sharp performance, never making a single slip-up, and always throwing out positive vibes by the bucket load.
Jonezy Photo: Kevin Gaughan
Dust and Debris in the Loco. With Les Eastham on vocals, guitar and harmonica, this six-piece group does covers and original songs from rock and blues, country and soul.
Dust and Debris Photo: Kevin Gaughan
Strizzy Strauss was not an artist I know or had seen before. But many people recommended me to see his act and commented on how good they thought he was. They had been on the radio with Kevin Gaughan. Radio Fox show, I believe.
From Leicester, he has a vibe that went down well.
Strizzy Strauss Photo: Kevin Gaughan
I dropped in to the big top to watch the Stereotonics, a band that tributes the Stereophonics. These I have seen before. Very good at what they do. They were popular; the Big Top was pretty near full when they were on stage. They are playing the Ashby de la Zouch Fake Festival on 1st June.
On the Icon stage I watched a performance by Tequila Sunrise. Not overly impressed because they had only one vocalist. But they were from Leicester. Indie/alternative-type music. If they had the benefit of at least one backing singer, I think they would be much better. Very good, in fact.
The New Midrod Ends on the Loco stage. Quite a large group of musicians and singers entertained the audience in the Loco marquee. Not a group I had seen before but their offering of tunes and songs was full of vitality and attractive rhythms.
The Moderators performed at 17:45. Leicester mods. Music of the era of the Mods and Rockers. I was a mod. The Big Top was really rocking. A real Glastonbudget moment. A whole marque dancing; some of those kids who were going crazy for them were not even born when they started. People were loving the music en masse. That is what festivals are about. Fans celebrating songs that might well outlive them. Inescapable rhythms. It’s no wonder people keep coming back to this festival. To get experiences like this.
The Moderators Photo: Kevin Gaughan
Watch our interview of Jas Minhas interviewing Jim the Daddy from The Moderators:
Time for Robbie. On the main stage. A tribute to the music of Robbie Williams.
See our interview of Jas Minhas interviewing Robbie:
No More Heroes. On the Icon stage. A Leicester band I know well and have seen many times before. Alternative rock lead by the vocals of Callum Cook.
No More Heroes Photo: Kevin Gaughan
In the Big Top it was Dizzy Lizzy. Thin Lizzy tribute act. Dedicated to Phil Lynott. I remember The Boys Are Back in Town from 1976.
Dizzy Lizzy Photo: Kevin Gaughan
One of the day’s blockbuster acts on the main stage were at 19:45. Oasish. The only band to play at Glastonbudget every year since it started, they say on the band’s webpage. Oasis not forgotten.
Oasish Photo: Kevin Gaughan
Wailing Badger. The good things about Glastonbudget, and all its various stages, is that you always get to see some new acts, as well as the ones you have seen before.
Wailing Badger Photo: Kevin Gaughan
The Whiskey Rebellion performed at 20:05. Another band I know well and have always liked. This group play gypsy rock with plenty of vigour. Getting in to see them was far from easy. So packed out was the Loco stage that people were queueing outside.
The Whiskey Rebellion Photo: Kevin Gaughan
Guns 2 Roses took over the Big Top. Another regular name at the festival and one that claims to have performed with all four members of Guns n’ Roses.
Guns 2 Roses Photo: Kevin Gaughan
Watch our interview of Jas Minhas interviewing Guns 2 Roses:
Smack Jack. I like this band very much. They played for me at my birthday bash last year. I remember seeing them on the Icon stage at last year’s festival. Exciting new music. Very original.
Smack Jack Photo: Kevin Gaughan
See our interview with Fleetwood Bac:
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Glastonbudget 2019 review Friday.
Glastonbudget 2019 review Saturday.
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